This Digital Marker runs Dietpi on a repurposed HP t620 Thinclient PC. We host it at Timber Wharf on new 1GB broadband!

Nextcloud, Hotglue and a nest of experimental services using docker containers all work well and we can monitor status of each element in great detail to attune performance.


Dietpi offers a library of optimised services which are easily kept up to date and configured over SSH text based interface.


All the media, filesharing, and network resources are available where they are most needed, locally!  


Re-purposing legacy computer hardware as host to our Digital Marker keeps it out of landfill and saves us money.

Digital Marker

create a custom co-ordination toollkit to suit your situation
Mobirise Website Builder

Adventure Play Hub in St John's Wood co-ordinate active archiving with playworkers and local community supporters.

Mobirise Website Builder

Spacestudio artists at Haymerle Road SE London access embedded publishing and co-ordination tools to share information about their work.

Mobirise Website Builder

Newly established social media resource in Dover shares information about it's activities and esoteric library.

Made with Mobirise ‌

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